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Updated: May 12, 2021

In order to stay up-to-date with KMLA news and announcements you will need to create a membership account on our new website. This account will grant you access to digital forms for renewing your membership and requesting reimbursements. You will also have the ability to update your personal information, including email, phone, and address in your profile. You can also subscribe to our blog to have our updates emailed directly to you. To setup your account follow the directions below. We look forward to interacting with you digitally!

2. In the top left corner select "Log In"

3. You will be linked to the page below. You can sign up using your email or using your Google/Facebook account.

4. Once you create an account you can add a picture and update you information by click the image in the top left corner the click "My Account".

5. Under "My Account", please fill in all the boxes. This is how KMLA will get in touch with you. This information is only available to you and the admin team.

6. You can navigate through your account using the navigation bar shown below.

7. Under the "About Me" section please consider adding your affiliation and your contact information. This is the information that will be available to fellow KMLA members in the directory. This information is not public. In addition, the directory is not public.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any member of the executive committee here:

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to our brand new website for the Kentucky Medical Library Association! We are the only organization dedicated to supporting and advocating for medical libraries and librarians in our state.

By creating this website, we've put the control of our web community completely into our own hands and eliminated our reliance on outside organizations to maintain or listservs and web presence. We now also have a place to blog about our events and outings so we can become a more engaged and active community.

Our website is still under construction and we hope to have many more features coming soon, including the option to pay yearly dues online instead of by mailing a check. An online form for members to use to request reimbursement for conference CEs (up to $125!) is also coming soon.

Please join us and create an account on this website by clicking 'Log In' on the top right corner of the homepage so you can be kept up-to-date about all upcoming meetings and events, CE opportunities, and other KMLA business. It's free to create an account, but to experience all the benefits we offer, you must become a member!

Membership for institutions is $50/year and offers free reciprocal interlibrary loan. Membership for individuals is only $15 and offers benefits like free access to quarterly MLA CE codes for webinars and reimbursement for up to $125 for conference CEs. Membership dues notices go out early each year, so sign up soon so you can get on our listserv beforehand!

Special thanks to Lauren Robinson, Medical Liaison at University of Kentucky Medical Library, for all her hard work in designing and implementing this website. We can't thank her enough for all her hard work.

Thanks for visiting our website and we hope you sign up and join us very soon!


Rebecca Morgan

KMLA President, 2019-2021

Clinical Librarian

Kornhauser Health Sciences Library

University of Louisville

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