Sharing on behalf of the Publicity & Outreach Committee...
We invite you to come together again for the 2021 joint conference of the Midwest and Midcontinental Chapters of the Medical Library Association! The conference will be held October 13-15, 2021 and will be completely virtual. Attend from work or home!
Member & Non-Member Rate – $25.00
Event Link:
Register Here:
The conference will feature:
live-streamed programs
12 Research Papers
12 Posters
16 Lightning Talks
Exhibitor Showcase
Topics Include:
Career Development & Recruiting
Collaboration & Outreach
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
Keynote Speakers
NISHA MODY - How Can We Foster “Access Intimacy” and Slow Down?: Reflections from COVID-19
ASHLEY RITTER - Those Nerdy Girls: Translating Science via Social Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic