Save the date for the 2022 KLA/SLA Joint Spring Conference to be held in person April 6-8 at General Butler State Resort Park! Joint Spring Conference is the annual tradition of the Kentucky Association of College & Research Libraries, the Kentucky Chapter of the Special Libraries Association, the KLA Special Libraries Roundtable, and, new this year, the Kentucky Medical Library Association. We hope to see you there!
The planning committee also welcomes proposals for presentations, panels, lightning talks, and posters. Our 2022 conference theme is “Resilient Librarians: Surviving to Thriving.” As we continue to navigate through the pandemic and beyond, libraries have adapted existing services and resources, and have created new ways to meet the needs of our patrons. This creative approach to providing services has allowed us to not only survive but thrive and will continue to serve us in the future. This is your opportunity to share your terrific ideas with your colleagues and to learn from them as well. Options for presentations are wide-open but here are a few ideas to get you started:
Creative programming ideas
Meeting the diverse needs of our patrons
Offering more virtual resources
Virtual reference/instruction/other services
Going above and beyond to get patrons the resources they need
Library/department morale
Access and equity
Planning for an uncertain future
The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, January 28th. Submit your proposal here.
-Joint Spring Conference Planning Committee