Hello everyone! I am attaching the Doodle poll for our November meeting. Please fill this out by the end of next week. I will post the meeting invite at the end of the month.
Also, there are some volunteer opportunities for our organization. First, we are still accepting nominations for President of the organization! Please email me or Stephanie with your nomination.
Second, we still need people to volunteer for to represent us for the Joint Spring Planning Committee. Please consider volunteering. If you are interested please send me or Stephanie an email.
Finally, we are hosting a Research Showcase during our November meeting after the Presidential election. The showcase will have 5-10 minute talks on whatever you're working on, or any other research ideas. This is taking the place of our KMLA virtual conference so please consider hosting a talk. Email me if you would like to be added to the list of those presenting!
Thank you all. Let any of the EC know if you have any questions regarding the next couple months.
Cayla Robinson, KMLA Secretary